During the continuing training, we explored what leading could also be. This was the driver for their 'getting back up' as they were beginning to see through the nominalisations of management, and that as procedures of leading, they are visible to their personnel/ stakeholders! Now they were breaking through their blind spot.
The time in between activities need to just be long enough to move quickly in between activities and leave a little time to rest and for the group to exercise the very best method to carry out the next activity.
A culture of HOPE: I have actually just recently begun a very strict fitness program. I am aging and I just need to do this. I have started tracking my efforts and while not easy, I am beginning to see results. When they are encouraged and are fortunate to live and work in a culture of hope, it is incredible how one will perform to reach a goal.Hope gives you the belief in what you are doing. It keeps you on the journey. While my progress with my physical fitness program does not constantly determine up to my expectations, I continue to pursue the objective since hope keeps me going. I can see the goal and I have a reason to leadership types get there!
Management is FOLLOWING, shown in being able to follow those whom you have some necessary management qualities actually empowered to lead. Following others takes a strong sense of self-identity, to follow others that are now the leaders and specialists in a role. Following is serving the 'entire'. Who are you following? Are you all set to serve?
What is associated with leadership? Charisma might initially come to mind. Adolph Hitler and Jim Jones both had charm, however the net result was a war and some ill-fated Kool-Aid drinking. Costs Clinton, enjoy him or hate him, has it too. This might be the part of management that people are born with - the ability to depict a cause with enthusiasm, to gain personal followers. Without training, even natural leaders can go astray.
While simple to say in practice it is much more tough to achieve. You typically inherit individuals or find it tough to move on those who are not a great fit. You also need to be skilled at determining the kinds of people and the qualities you require to create terrific outcomes.
I believe passionately that we have terrific management potential all around us. From small organizations to big empires, authentic leadership exists. I am persuaded of this every day. There are transparent, sincere individuals among us that people are willing and ready to follow.It is my HOPE you, like me remain in high pursuit to be one!